2022-23 Gifts
Pet Photo Holders Hand-painted wood. 3"H x 3"W $2.45 ea (set of 12) $29.40 set/12 8+ sets: $2.33 ea. $27.96 set/12 same design
Slots allow for placement of photo or note.
NEW 9744280
NEW 3017-107 Asst.
NEW 3017-76 Pet Photo Holder Asst. Hand-painted wood and metal. Clip. Holds a 3.5×5 photo. 7"H x 10"W x 11/2"D
$6.99 ea (set of 6) $41.94 set/6 6+ sets: $6.64 ea. $39.84 set/6
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
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