2023-24 Master Catalog

For use with horizontal and hand-tied bouquets, these “egg” armatures o er realistic alternatives to floral foam. Insert stems at varying angles to provide stability and versatility while ensuring the design components remain in place.

the egg

331-1207 Eggs Medium. Green. Plastic. 2¾"H × 6"W × 2¾"D $16.56 case/12 6+ cases: $15.84 case/12 the pillow

the abby

Design Bowls • Lightweight and durable • Wide lip for large designs • Easily stored/stacked • Paintable to complement any color scheme

Resting on top of the container’s rim, “pillows” use the same basic premise as eggs and allow for easy insertion and placement. Both eggs and pillows provide the ability to create contemporary loose design styles in vogue today.

White Compote shown for illustrative purposes only.

334-1207 Pillows Small. Green. Plastic. 2½"H × 6"W × 6"D $16.56 case/12 6+ cases: $15.84 case/12

137-0609 Compotes Clear. Plastic. 5"H × 6½"Opening $30.00 case/6 6+ cases: $28.50 case/6

For use with Pedestals and Design Dishes.

01350 Universal Pieces LOMEY ® . Acrylic. Anchor LOMEY ® Columns (special order) to container surfaces. Use with 01500 Adhesive. 1½"H × 3¾"Diameter $15.84 pk/6. 6+ pks: $15.06 pk/6

01500 Adhesive LOMEY ® . For use with pedestals, dishes, and risers. 3.2 oz $6.95 ea. 12+: $6.60 ea



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