419 Summer 2021
SALE 9730460 Jewel Tone Bear Plush Asst. Ribbon loop. 6" High $3.49 ea (set of 8) $27.92 set/8 (reg $3.94 ea. $31.52 set/8)
9735682 Diploma Bear Plush Asst. Fabric. Ribbon loop. 6½" High $4.47 ea (set of 8) $35.76 set/8 6+ sets: $4.25 ea. $34.00 set/8
9735683 Grad Cap Bear Vase Hugger Plush Asst. Fabric. Ribbon loop. 11" High
$7.62 ea (set of 6) $45.72 set/6 6+ sets: $7.24 ea. $43.44 set/6 9737433 Vase Asst. sold separately.
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