Air-filled Balloon Distro

Air-filled Balloon Distro

Air-filled Balloon Distribution Shipping on 9/26/2022 A & B Stores will receive one of each assortment below: *Select stores will also receive air-filled floor rack*

32 9" AIR-FILLED BALLOONS 11016 General Asst. pk/32. Retail $ 2.99 ea

32 9" AIR-FILLED BALLOONS 11015 Birthday Asst. pk/32. Retail $ 2.99 ea

24 10"–14" AIR-FILLED BALLOONS 11022 Most Popular Character Asst. pk/24. Retail $ 3.99 ea

Air-filled Balloon Distribution Shipping on 9/26/2022

C, D, & E Stores will receive one of each assortment below: *Select stores will also receive air-filled floor rack*

32 9" AIR-FILLED BALLOONS 11016 General Asst. pk/32. Retail $ 2.99 ea

32 9" AIR-FILLED BALLOONS 11017 Character Asst. pk/32. Retail $ 2.99 ea

UPC Labels For Air-filled Balloons

All air-filled balloons will include these UPC labels already attached to the sticks with retail pricing

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