Autumn 2022


NEW 9745444 Snack Plate Asst. Ceramic. 81/2" Diameter $9.75 ea (set of 6) $58.50 set/6 4+ sets: $9.27 ea. $55.62 set/6

NEW 9744432 Ghostly Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted wood and hand-painted tin. 93/4"H x 61/4"W x 13/4"D • 13"H x 10"W x 13/4"D • 17"H x 13"W x 13/4"D $50.97 set/3. 6+ sets: $48.42 set/3

Latex Balloons sold separately: Q-05-41 + Q-11-41 Onyx Black Q-05-25 + Q-11-25 Orange Q-11-28 White Scan QR Code to learn how to construct an Organic Swag (shown on facing page)

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Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759

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