Autumn 2023

Pillar + Tea Light Candles (p. 124 + 125)


NEW 9746550 Haunted Shelf Sitters Hand-painted wood and wire. 10½"H × 12½"W

$12.37 ea (set of 4) $49.48 set/4 6+ sets: $11.76 ea. $47.04 set/4

9745306 Ghost Shelf Sitters Fabric and felt. 10"H × 5¼"W × 3"D $5.49 ea (set of 6) $32.94 set/6 4+ sets: $5.22 ea. $31.32 set/6

NEW 9746842 Eerie Shelf Sitter Asst. Wood, hand-painted wood, and wire. 6¾"H × 5"W • 8¾"H × 5"W

$4.49 ea (set of 12) $53.88 set/12 6+ sets: $4.27 ea. $51.24 set/12

9744584 Bat Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted wood. 3"H × 6"W $1.99 ea (set of 12) $23.88 set/12. 8+ sets: $1.90 ea. $22.80 set/12


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