Holiday 2022
NEW 3028-186 Festive Ornament Asst. Raised wood and galvanized corrugated tin. 5" High
$3.25 ea (set of 12) $39.00 set/12 8+ sets: $3.09 ea. $37.08 set/12
10" high
NEW 9745593 Gift Tag Ornament Asst. Wood and hand-painted corrugated tin. 10" High
$4.49 ea (set of 8) $35.92 set/8 6+ sets: $4.27 ea. $34.16 set/8
18" wide
9742432 Antique Truck Throw Pillows Fabric. 18" Wide $27.73 ea (set of 2) $55.46 set/2 4+ sets: $26.35 ea. $52.70 set/2
NEW 9745103 Holiday Prayer Bead Asst. Hand-painted wood, burlap, and jute. 311/2"H x 4"W
$4.94 ea (set of 9) $44.46 set/9 4+ sets: $4.70 ea. $42.30 set/9
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
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