Holiday 2022
over 36" high
9741859 Tree Ornament Asst. Wood, faux linen fabric, fabric, and PVC. 7" High $2.75 ea (set of 15) $41.25 set/15 6+ sets: $2.62 ea. $39.30 set/15
9745330 Seasonal Porch Signs Hand-painted wood, hand-painted embossed tin, burlap, wood, PVC, and foam. Reversible. 361/2"H x 73/4"W x 2"D $25.99 ea (set of 2) $51.98 set/2 4+ sets: $24.69 ea $49.38 set/2
9741862 Gift Tag Wall Hanging Asst. Wood, faux linen fabric, fabric, PVC, and foam. 121/2"H x 5"W x 11/2"D
$4.38 ea (set of 8) $35.04 set/8 6+ sets: $4.17 ea. $33.36 set/8
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