Spring 2024

Mug + Caddy Gift Sets Bone china and heavy paperboard. $3.99 set (6 sets) $23.94 6 sets 8+ sets: $3.79 set. $22.74 6 sets same design

9731713 11 oz 71/2"H x 53/4"W x 31/4"D

9731712 11 oz 6"H x 8"W x 31/4"D

9735428 12 oz 8"H x 6"W x 31/2"D

9731711 12 oz 8"H x 6"W x 31/2"D

9738399 11 oz 7"H x 7"W x 31/4"D

9738366 11 oz 71/4"H x 63/4"W x 31/4"D



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