Holiday 2015
1349-128 Cheese Plate Gift Sets Two 2-piece hand-painted raised ceramic platters with stainless steel knives. 11½" Wide • 5" Long $31.99 2 sets/2 | $30.40 set 3+ sets
9718694 Metal Plate Stands sold separately. 1349-126 Ceramic Platters Set of two hand-painted raised ceramic platters. 15¾" Wide | reg $54.99 set/2 SALE $49.98 set/2
Hand-painted at
Santa’s Workshop.
9719609 Ruffled Peppermint Planters Set of four hand-painted raised ceramic planters. 4¾"H × 3¼"Opening $16.99 set/4 | $16.16 set/6+ sets
9714654 17" Peppermint Nutcrackers Set of two hand-painted wood nutcrackers. 17"H × 3½"W × 3¼"D | reg $29.99 set/2 SALE $24.98 set/2
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
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