Holiday 2015
1454-320 Snow Buddy Plates Six sets of food-safe melamine plates. Four plates per gift box. 8" Wide | reg $24.99 6 sets/4 SALE $19.92 6 sets/4
10147 Candy Can Giftables Assortment of 9 PVC and tin cans. Includes 9" air-filled balloon, name brand candy, ribbon curls, and label. Assortments are subject to substitutions. $56.70 set/9 $53.91 set/2+ sets
Polka Dot Presents
9719582 Hand-painted Stocking Holders
Assortment of four wood stocking holders topped with tin bows. 5½"H × 4½"W × 4½"D $29.99 set/4 $28.52 set/4+ sets
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
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