Holiday 2023
9745571 Bird Sphere Shelf Sitters Pressed hand-painted craquelé glass. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, not included. 5½"H × 5½"Diameter
SALE 2076-00 Cardinal Mugs Ceramic. 12 oz $2.99 ea (set of 12) $35.88 set/12 (reg $3.58 ea. $42.96 set/12)
$16.99 ea (set of 2) $33.98 set/2 4+ sets: $16.14 ea. $32.28 set/2
3040-209 Joy Ornament + Gift Box Sets Poly-foam, paper, and heavy paperboard. 4" Diameter • 4¼"H × 4¼"W × 4¼"D $3.99 ea (6 sets) $23.94 6 sets 8+ sets: $3.79 ea. $22.74 6 sets
9745173 #40 Ribbon Wired edge. 2½" Wide × 20 yd $18.99 roll. 6+: $18.04 roll
1774-00 Cardinal Mugs Ceramic. 18 oz $5.49 ea (set of 6) $32.94 set/6 6+ sets: $5.22 ea $31.32 set/6
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