Holiday 2024

3079-186 Snow Pal Ornament Asst. Hand-painted layered wood, corrugated tin, and laser cut tin. 5¾" High • 6" High • 6¾" High

3079-202 Festive Ornament Asst. Handcrafted polymer clay. 4" High • 4¾" High • 5" High $2.24 ea (set of 12) $26.88 set/12 6+ sets: $2.13 ea. $25.56 set/12

$2.75 ea (set of 12) $33.00 set/12 6+ sets: $2.62 ea. $31.44 set/12 ADULT

A3079 Snowman Aprons Fabric. One size ts most. 32"H × 28½"W $15.00 ea (set of 2) $30.00 set/2 6+ sets: $14.25 ea. $28.50 set/2

9745445 Tabletop Mailboxes Hand-painted embossed tin. 12¼"H × 10"W × 4½"D

$14.99 ea (set of 2) $29.98 set/2 4+ sets: $14.24 ea. $28.48 set/2


9745441 Plaid Bakeware Asst. Hand-painted ceramic. 0.75-qt • 2¼"H × 13"W × 5"D • Opening: 1¾"H × 10¼"W × 4½"D $10.99 ea (set of 4) $43.96 set/4. 3+ sets: $10.44 ea. $41.76 set/4


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