Holiday 2024
NEW 3101-202 Holy Family Ornaments Hand-painted raised ceramic. 6" High $7.99 ea (set of 6) $47.94 set/6 5+ sets: $7.59 ea $45.54 set/6
9743929 Chapel Décor Asst. Hand-painted raised porcelain. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 3–micro-cell batteries, included. 8¼"H × 2¼"W × 2¾"D 8¼"H × 3"W × 3½"D • 10½"H × 5"W × 3"D $26.97 set/3. 6+ sets: $25.62 set/3
NEW 9748684 Glory Ornament Asst. Hand-painted raised ceramic. 4½" High
$4.99 ea (set of 8) $39.92 set/8 4+ sets: $4.74 ea. $37.92 set/8
9746382 Praying Angel Figurines Hand-painted poly-resin. 8¼"H × 3¾"W × 2¼"D $8.49 ea (set of 4) $33.96 set/4 6+ sets: $8.07 ea $32.28 set/4
9743794 Angel Figures
Hand-painted poly-resin. 14½"H × 6½"W × 3¼"D $19.99 ea (set of 2) $39.98 set/2 3+ sets: $18.99 ea $37.98 set/2
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