Holiday 2024

9717079 Nutcracker Ornament Asst. + Gift Box Sets Hand-painted raised wood and faux fur fabric. 5¼" High • 5½" High $9.00 set (3 sets of 4) $27.00 3 sets/4 6+ sets: $8.55 set. $25.65 3 sets/4

9714653 Nutcracker Assts. Hand-painted raised wood and faux fur fabric. For decorative purposes only, not intended for children.

10"H × 2¾"W × 2¼"D $8.99 ea (2 sets of 3) $53.94 2 sets/3 3+ sets: $8.54 ea $51.24 2 sets/3

9722986 Nutcracker Asst. Hand-painted raised wood and faux fur fabric. For decorative purposes only, not intended for children. 10"H × 2¾"W × 2½"D $9.49 ea (set of 4) $37.96 set/4 6+ sets: $9.02 ea $36.08 set/4



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