Holiday 2024

NEW 9748741 Holy Family Nativities Wood. Figures from 1½" high–4¾" high. 7¼"H × 10"W

NEW 9748728 Holy Family Ornaments Layered wood. 4¼" High

$19.99 set (2 sets of 4) $39.98 2 sets/4 6+ sets: $18.99 set. $37.98 2 sets/4

$8.99 ea (set of 6) $53.94 set/6 6+ sets: $8.54 ea. $51.24 set/6


NEW 1851-249 Holy Family Shelf Sitters Laser-cut wood. Illuminates. LED. Requires 2–AAA batteries, not included. 6"H × 5¾"W × 1½"D $6.99 ea (set of 6) $41.94 set/6. 6+ sets: $6.64 ea. $39.84 set/6


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