Holiday 2024


NEW 9748766 Retro Waist Aprons Fabric. One size ts most. 19"H × 39"W $8.99 ea (set of 4) $35.96 set/4 6+ sets: $8.54 ea. $34.16 set/4


NEW A3108 Retro Aprons Fabric. One size ts most. 27"H × 36½"W $15.00 ea (set of 2) $30.00 set/2 6+ sets: $14.25 ea. $28.50 set/2

NEW 3108-237 Retro Ornament Trays Wood. Not intended for cooking or baking. Approved for use with open foodstuff. 14" Wide $16.49 ea (set of 3) $49.47 set/3 4+ sets: $15.67 ea $47.01 set/3


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