May Specials 2023

SALE 9743076 Red Truck Mugs Ceramic. 16 oz $2.99 ea (set of 12) $35.88 set/12 (reg $3.99 ea. $47.88 set/12)

SALE 2079-155 Festive Mug Asst. Ceramic. 14 oz $2.99 ea (set of 12) $35.88 set/12 (reg $3.58 ea. $42.96 set/12)

SALE 9739944 Deck Tea Towel Asst. Fabric. 133/4"W x 221/2"L $9.96 set (2 sets of 3) $19.92 2 sets of 3 (reg $16.50 set $33.00 2 sets of 3)

SALE 9731956 #9 Bows Khaki. Fabric. Metallic. Wired edge. Six loops and four tails. 61/2"H x 8"W x 3"D $11.88 pk/12 (reg $23.04 pk/12)

SALE 9745604 Santa Figurines Hand-painted poly-resin. 81/2"H x 9"W x 4"D $14.97 ea (set of 2) $29.94 set/2 (reg $22.49 ea. $44.98 set/2)

SALE 9745465 Moose Figurine Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin. 8"H x 11"W x 41/4"D • 111/4"H x 11"W x 41/4"D $18.99 ea (set of 2) $37.98 set/2 (reg $19.99 ea. $39.98 set/2)

SALE 9741872 Gingerbread Stocking Holder Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin and metal. 101/2"H x 53/4"W x 33/4"D $8.74 ea (set of 4)

SALE 2081-288 #4 Candy Cane Pails Hand-painted galvanized tin and wood. PVC liners.

5"H x 43/4"Opening $2.49 ea (set of 12)

$29.88 set/12 (reg $2.99 ea $35.88 set/12)

$34.96 set/4 (reg $9.99 ea $39.96 set/4)

51% OFF!

SALE 9742299 Stocking Vases Ceramic. 10"H x 3"Opening $7.49 ea (set of 4) $29.96 set/4 (reg $15.60 ea $62.40 set/4)

SALE 9742432 Red Truck Throw Pillows. Fabric. 18" Wide $19.99 ea (set of 2) $39.98 set/2 (reg $27.73 ea. $55.46 set/2)

SALE 9742480 Penguin Décor Plush

Fabric. For decorative purposes only, not intended for children. 18"H x 9"W x 6"D $13.32 ea (set of 3) $39.96 set/3 (reg $15.01 ea. $45.03 set/3)


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