2022-23 Balloons
A Note From Our Founder In these unprecedented times, I have never been more proud of the entire burton + BURTON ® family. We have worked so hard to bring you this Balloons 2022–23 catalog. It is lled with exciting new products and beloved favorites, in print and online. We have all felt the effects of the supply chain issues impacting the world. In order to offer you the most up-to-date products and best possible pricing, we have decided to release the Gifts 2022–23 portion of this catalog online only. (See the preceding page for details.) I speak for everyone at b + B ® in expressing our gratitude to you for being part of our extended family. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to serving you for years to come. All the best,
Maxine H. Burton President and Chairman of the Board
Robert E. Burton Chief Operating Of cer
Rachael Burton Dillon Chief Executive Of cer
J. Michael Burton Vice President
Our Family
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