Ralphs 2022 Playbook

January - March 2022 Balloon Playbook

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Merchandising • Card Aisle

Coordinating Balloon Suggestions NOTE: 75% of balloons purchased on the card aisle are Birthday or Character related.

Shape: 67040-36

Standard: A67041-18

Shape: 67050-36

Standard: A67051-18

Shape: 67384-26

Standard: A67385-18

In stock January 2022

Shape: 50040-26

Standard: 47069-18

Shape: 48371-26

Standard: 47567-18

Shape: 50041-26

Standard: 4406-18

Shape: 40063-26

Standard: 40064-18

In stock January 2022

Shape: 67028-26

Standard: A61986-18

Shape: 67029-26

Standard: A61988-18

Shape: 67036-26

Standard: A67037-18

Merchandising • Registers

Suggestions Top Licenses - January 2022 – March 2022 For stores with fewer registers, focus on the ranking shown above each balloon. This will allow you to focus on the most important suggestions .




In stock January 2022




Suggestions – Seasons/Trends/Movies For stores with fewer registers, focus on the ranking shown above each balloon. This will allow you to focus on the most important suggestions. February 2022

January 2022

March 2022








Merchandising • Bakery

Coordinating Balloon Suggestions Note: You may use any approved coordinating shapes and standard balloons

January 2022

February 2022

Shape: 67369-26

Standard: 67348-18

Shape: 46506-26

Standard: 46506-18

OR any coordinating Valentine’s Day balloons

OR any coordinating Football balloons

January 2022

March 2022

Shape: 67367-36

Standard: 67343-18

Shape: 49330-26

Standard: 40127-18

OR any coordinating Valentine’s Day balloons

OR any coordinating St. Patrick’s Day balloons





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Top Selling Balloons

* burton + BURTON® Custom Design • The balloons shown below are the top selling designs in the Bubble Balloons® and AirWalkers® balloon categories. • Stores should have some, if not ALL, of these designs available at all times. * burton + BURTON® Custom Design

22” Bubbles™ 22388-26 Order in multiples of 3.

22” Bubbles™ 22910-26 Order in multiples of 3.

*22” Bubbles™ *2617-26 Order in multiples of 3.

22” Bubbles™ 22157-26 Order in multiples of 3.

22” Bubbles™ 22922-26 Order in multiples of 3.

22” Bubbles™ 22923-26 Order in multiples of 3.

*22” Bubbles™ 2616-26 Order in multiples of 3.

22” Bubbles™ 22903-26 Order in multiples of 3.

68“ AirWalkers® 48789-36

35“ AirWalkers® 4635-36

29“ AirWalkers® 4633-26

70“ AirWalkers® 47577-36

44“ AirWalkers® 46569-36

58“ AirWalkers® 49440-36

36“ AirWalkers® 49046-36

58“ AirWalkers® 4040-36



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