Valentine's 2025

Paper Shred Crinkle Cut™. Accordion. 3–8 oz bags $11.95 pk/3 bags 4+ pks: $11.35 pk/3 bags same color

10 lb $47.50 box 40 lb $165.00 box

Black –

White 12601

Orchid 12608

8 oz pk/3

8 oz pk/3

8 oz pk/3

12526 10 lb – 40 lb

12501 10 lb 12901 40 lb

12508 10 lb – 40 lb

your shred shipping ADVANTAGE: Maximize your inventory while minimizing your costs. Order TWO 10 lb cartons–bundled together, your freight charges barely rise! The cost to quantity ratio works in YOUR favor. Ask for more details.

Light Pink 12602

Fuchsia 12641

Purple 12609

8 oz pk/3

8 oz pk/3

8 oz pk/3

12509 10 lb – 40 lb

12502 10 lb – 40 lb

12541 10 lb – 40 lb

Red 12613

Red/White Mix – 125631 10 lb 129631 40 lb

8 oz pk/3

8 oz pk/3

12513 10 lb 12913 40 lb

Tissue Shred 1 lb $7.75 bag 10+: $7.36 bag


Red 20013


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