Valentine's Day 2022
Vase Hugger Plush Ribbon loop.
NEW 9742897 Asst. 6½" High $7.13 ea (set of 6) $42.78 set/6 4+ sets: $6.78 ea $40.68 set/6
9732387 Asst. 5" High $4.50 ea (set of 8) $36.00 set/8 4+ sets: $4.28 ea $34.24 set/8
9720454 Asst. 5½" High $4.50 ea (set of 8) $36.00 set/8 3+ sets: $4.28 ea $34.24 set/8
NEW 9742807 Asst. 5" High $4.99 ea (set of 8) $39.92 set/8 4+ sets: $4.74 ea $37.92 set/8
9720446 5" High $3.50 ea (set of 12) $42.00 set/12 4+ sets: $3.33 ea $39.96 set/12
9720479 5" High $3.50 ea (set of 12) $42.00 set/12 4+ sets: $3.33 ea $39.96 set/12
Vases shown for illustrative purposes only.
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