Valentine's Day 2022

" long

9740704 Ribboned Garlands Felt and fabric. 41" Long • 4"H × 4¼"W $4.89 ea (set of 6) $29.34 set/6. 6+ sets: $4.65 ea. $27.90 set/6

9740711 Love Shelf Sitters Wood. 3¾"H × 12"W $5.15 ea (set of 6) $30.90 set/6 4+ sets: $4.90 ea. $29.40 set/6

NEW 9743919 Gnome Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin and fabric. 6¾"H × 2¼"W × 2"D

9727226 #9 Ribbon Satin. Wired edge. 1½" Wide × 20 yd $12.99 roll. 6+ rolls: $12.34 roll

$7.99 ea (set of 4) $31.96 set/4 4+ sets: $7.59 ea. $30.36 set/4


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