Holiday 2023
Ornament Assts. + Gift Box Sets Poly-foam, paper, and heavy paperboard. 4" Diameter • 4¼"H × 4¼"W × 4¼"D $3.99 ea (6 sets) $23.94 6 sets 8+ sets: $3.79 ea. $22.74 6 sets same design
9745514 Y’all
3044-209 Merry
9745515 Jesus
9745329 Ornament Asst. + Gift Box Sets Poly-foam, paper, and heavy paperboard. 3" Diameter • 6"H × 9¾"W × 8½"D $1.35 ea (2 sets of 14) $37.80 2 sets/14. 6+ sets: $1.29 ea. $36.12 2 sets/14
9745247 Ornament Asst. Hand-painted wood, hand-painted tin, and embossed tin. 7" High $2.99 ea (set of 12) $35.88 set/12 6+ sets: $2.85 ea. $34.20 set/12
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