Autumn 2023
" high
NEW 3069-120 Eerie Sectional Plates Ceramic. 12¼" Wide
$8.75 ea (set of 6) $52.50 set/6 3+ sets: $8.32 ea. $49.92 set/6
NEW 3069-138 Scary Trays Wood. Not intended for cooking or baking. Approved for use with open foodstuff. 18" Wide
$15.83 ea (set of 3) $47.49 set/3 4+ sets: $15.04 ea. $45.12 set/3
NEW 9747024 Skeleton Décor Plush Fabric. For decorative purposes only, not intended for children. 18"H × 6"W × 10"D
$7.99 ea (set of 6) $47.94 set/6 4+ sets: $7.59 ea. $45.54 set/6
over " high
NEW 9747260 Trick Or Treat Bag Asst. Fabric. 19½"H × 11"W
$6.49 ea (set of 4) $25.96 set/4 6+ sets: $6.17 ea. $24.68 set/4
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