Autumn 2023

Fancy Pumpkin Assts. Velvet fabric and plastic.

9741301 Small 3¼"H × 3½"Diameter

$2.49 ea (set of 9) $22.41 set/9 8+ sets: $2.37 ea. $21.33 set/9

9742145 Medium 4½"H × 4"Diameter $3.29 ea (set of 9) $29.61 set/9 5+ sets: $3.13 ea $28.17 set/9


over " high

9742183 Varied 4½"H × 5"Diameter • 6¼"H × 7"Diameter • 8½"H × 8"Diameter $68.40 set/6. 3+ sets: $64.98 set/6


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