Spring 2023


BALLOONS Mother’s Day + Spring

NEW 11853 Candy On the Go Tumbler Giftable Asst. Acrylic. Includes 9" air-filled balloon, name brand candy, ribbon curls, and card.

$13.40 ea (set of 8) $107.20 set/8 2+ sets: $12.73 ea. $101.84 set/8

NEW 11854 Candy Wine Tumbler Giftable Asst. Stainless steel and acrylic. Includes 9" air-filled balloon, name brand candy, ribbon curls, and card.

$17.17 ea (set of 6) $103.02 set/6 2+ sets: $16.32 ea. $97.92 set/6


Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759

Assortments are subject to substitutions.

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