Alb IM Playbook Supplement JAN-MAR 2022
I Intermountain Division
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Balloon Trends
The Space Age
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Merchandising – Card Aisle
Coordinating Balloon Suggestions NOTE: 75% of balloons purchased on the card aisle are Birthday or Character related.
Shape: 67040-36
Standard: A67041-18
Shape: 67050-36
Standard: A67051-18
Shape: 67384-26
Standard: A67385-18
In stock January 2022
Shape: 50040-26
Standard: 47069-18
Shape: 48371-26
Standard: 47567-18
Shape: 50041-26
Standard: 4406-18
Shape: 40063-26
Standard: 40064-18
In stock January 2022
Shape: 67028-26
Standard: A61986-18
Shape: 67029-26
Standard: A61988-18
Shape: 67036-26
Standard: A67037-18
Top Selling Licenses • Boys
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Top Selling Licenses • Girls
!:'#'8(/#27%8/&0/ 3*02-.$8&'9-2 3*02-.$!&*2+-00 )*22*-$)'/0-
- ( . / 0 1 2 3 4
:-(('$,*%%. 1"1.$0:"&,
(*%%(-$)-&)"*3 0-0")-$0%&--% ).$(*%%(-$!'2.
!!#$%O":'89: )*+P=,Q?+ 1)23)456 !"#$"%&'%()*+&,*$-%./%B1
-./0123425416/789&:5102/.;0/ 6
("#$!77%98(' K?LMJ 1)23)456 !"#$"%&'%()*+&,*$-%./%21
&:#$%77:98&: LF+=M*N?JA;<=>? 1)23)456 !"#$"%&'%()*+&,*$-%./%41
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Top Selling Balloons
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