Holiday 2022

28" high


NEW 9745126 Jolly Gnome Ornament Asst. Handblown hand-painted raised glass. 51/2" High

$5.49 ea (set of 6) $32.94 set/6 8+ sets: $5.22 ea. $31.32 set/6

NEW 9745454 Gnome Tree Toppers Fabric, faux fur fabric, felt, embossed tin, and heavy paperboard. 28"H x 10"W x 9"D $18.99 ea (set of 4) $75.96 set/4 3+ sets: $18.04 ea. $72.16 set/4

NEW 9745151 #40 Ribbon Glitter. Wired edge. 21/2" Wide x 20 yd $24.19 roll. 6+ rolls: $22.98 roll

14" high

12" high

9741317 Santa Gnome Shelf Sitter Asst. Fabric, faux fur fabric, PVC, wood, and foam. 12"H x 3"Diameter

9742524 Gnome Bottle Topper Asst. Fabric, faux fur fabric, PVC, wood, and foam. 14"H x 3"W $2.74 ea (set of 12) $32.88 set/12 5+ sets: $2.61 ea. $31.32 set/12

$4.94 ea (set of 6) $29.64 set/6 6+ sets: $4.70 ea. $28.20 set/6


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