Holiday 2022

30" high

Gnome Shelf Sitters Fabric and faux fur fabric. 30"H x 8"W x 9"D

9742343 Red $10.44 ea (set of 4) $41.76 set/4 6+ sets: $9.92 ea $39.68 set/4

9742340 White Dot $10.73 ea (set of 4) $42.92 set/4 6+ sets: $10.20 ea $40.80 set/4

9742302 Gnome Tree Hugger Set Fabric, faux fur fabric, and heavy paperboard. Head: 40"H x 12"W x 10"D

Arms: 5"H x 70"W x 5"D Shoes: 6"H x 6"W x 12"D $50.23 set. 6+ sets: $47.72 set


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