Holiday 2022
Rustic Snowmen Assts. Hand-painted corrugated tin and galvanized laser-cut tin.
9741481 Ornament 51/2" High • 6" High $3.02 ea (set of 12) $36.24 set/12 6+ sets: $2.87 ea $34.44 set/12
over 20" high
9741483 Medium 17"H x 13"W x 21/2"D 201/2"H x 13"W x 3"D $42.99 set/2 6+ sets: $40.84 set/2
36" high
9742606 Large 31"H x 241/4"W x 41/2"D 36"H x 22"W x 41/2"D $139.40 set/2 3+ sets: $132.44 set/2
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