Holiday 2022


15" high

NEW 9744943 Rustic Bell Ornament Asst. Hand-painted embossed tin, burlap, wood, PVC, and foam. 5" High

$4.99 ea (set of 6) $29.94 set/6 6+ sets: $4.74 ea. $28.44 set/6

NEW 9745228 Vintage Snowman Shelf Sitter Asst. Fabric, felt, and foam. 15"H x 51/2"W x 5"D $13.74 ea (set of 4) $54.96 set/4 4+ sets: $13.06 ea. $52.24 set/4

9742268 Snowman Shelf Sitter Asst. Fabric, burlap, embossed tin,

wood, PVC, and foam. 17"H x 71/2"W x 13"D 20"H x 71/2"W x 13"D 21"H x 71/2"W x 13"D $21.54 ea (set of 3) $64.62 set/3 3+ sets: $20.47 ea $61.41 set/3


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