Holiday 2022
14" high
2028-186 Festive Ornament Asst. Hand-painted wood. 11/4" High $1.09 ea (set of 24) $26.16 set/24 6+ sets: $1.04 ea. $24.96 set/24
9742406 Snowman Head Wall Hangings Foam, wood veneer, PVC, and wood. 14"H x 10"W
$12.89 ea (set of 4) $51.56 set/4 6+ sets: $12.25 ea. $49.00 set/4
9722396 Holiday Friend Basket Asst. Fabric, faux fur fabric, and bamboo. 9"H x 8"W x 6"D Basket: 3"H x 5"W x 4"D $11.46 ea (set of 3) $34.38 set/3 4+ sets: $10.89 ea $32.67 set/3
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