Holiday 2022
NEW 9745428 Snowman Ornament Asst. Fabric, faux fur fabric, faux leather, felt, PVC, and foam. 7" High
$2.99 ea (set of 12) $35.88 set/12 4+ sets: $2.85 ea. $34.20 set/12
over 14" high
NEW 9745424 Décor Plush Snowman Asst. Fabric, faux fur fabric, faux leather, felt, wood, PVC, and foam. For decorative purposes only, not intended for children.
11"H x 6"W x 4"D 111/2"H x 4"W x 5"D 141/4"H x 71/2"W x 6"D $89.94 set/6 3+ sets: $85.44 set/6
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