Merchandising • Card Aisle
Place ONE oversized shape with a Reel Weight™ and Reel Weight™ Insert attached. Unwind about 18” or until there is sufficient space for the standard size balloons that will be placed below.
Attach the Halo 823020 to the top section of the card aisle. Make sure it is completely attached and straight. Be sure to place it high enough so the balloons will not obstruct the cards . 1
Attach FOUR standard size balloons of the same design, with a Reel Weight™, one at a time. Unwind the ribbon until the top of the balloons hit the bottom of the oversized shape balloon above. Make sure the standard balloons COORDINATE with the specialty shape balloon you placed from step 2. 3 - 6
Objective: • Coordinate balloons with greeting cards.
• Balloons are arranged in an organized and coordinated manner. • Creates a much cleaner and organized look for the card aisle. • Provides EASY & REACHABLE access to balloons for our customers.
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