Autumn 2022
Autumn 2022
AUTUMN 2022 Halloween • Thanksgiving Grandparents Day • Boss’s Day Sweetest Day • Breast Cancer Awareness Sale prices valid through November 23, 2022, at 5 pm
The Best In Service, Selection, & Satisfaction® Founded in 1982 and located in Bogart, Georgia, USA, we employ over 300 people and operate out of corporate offices and warehouse space totaling more than 300,000 square feet.
Corporate Headquarters
Our commitment to the gift industry is unparalleled. Relationships with customers, manufacturers, and suppliers are an integral part of our history, making us The World’s Largest Balloon and Coordinating Gift Supplier®
Candy + Packaging + Warehouse
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BUILDING 2 Showroom 728
TRADE MART Showroom 1121
As each market center’s attendance qualifications differ, please contact the facility to assess the credentials necessary to gain entry.
A Note From Our Founder I am so pleased to present our new Autumn 2022 catalog. For Halloween, we’ve created a colorful cast of spooky characters including mummies, ghosts, and the ever-popular gnomes. Scan QR codes to see how our products light up, move, and make spooky sounds! For Autumn, look for neutral tones and words of gratitude along with classic pumpkin and turkey décor. There is truly something for everyone! All the best,
Maxine H. Burton President and Chairman of the Board
Robert E. Burton Chief Operating Officer
CONTENTS Halloween Gifts 2 Autumn
Rachael Burton Dillon Chief Executive Officer
J. Michael Burton Vice President
Homeward 48 Gratitude 70 Fall For All 84 Vases + Containers 106 Supplies + Floral 126
Ribbon 138 Balloons Halloween 149 Autumn 174 Back To School 192 Grandparents Day 197 Boss’s Day 198 Sweetest Day 204 Breast Cancer Awareness 205
Save the Dates Thanksgiving November 24, 2022 Grandparents Day September 11, 2022 Sweetest Day October 15, 2022 Boss’s Day October 16, 2022
9745459 Garlands (p. 71) 9745387 Plates (p. 73)
NEW 9745444 Snack Plate Asst. Ceramic. 81/2" Diameter $9.75 ea (set of 6) $58.50 set/6 4+ sets: $9.27 ea. $55.62 set/6
NEW 9744432 Ghostly Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted wood and hand-painted tin. 93/4"H x 61/4"W x 13/4"D • 13"H x 10"W x 13/4"D • 17"H x 13"W x 13/4"D $50.97 set/3. 6+ sets: $48.42 set/3
Latex Balloons sold separately: Q-05-41 + Q-11-41 Onyx Black Q-05-25 + Q-11-25 Orange Q-11-28 White Scan QR Code to learn how to construct an Organic Swag (shown on facing page)
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Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
Spooky Candleholders Hand-painted laser-cut tin and wood.
NEW 9744433 Ghost Asst. 7"H x 3"Opening • 9"H x 31/4"Opening $54.96 set/4 6+ sets: $52.24 set/4 16204 Tea Light Candles (p.137)
NEW 9744574 Jack-o’Lantern 12"H x 4"Opening $25.99 ea (set of 2) $51.98 set/2 4+ sets: $24.69 ea. $49.38 set/2 025401 Pillar Candles (p.136)
NEW 9745365 Scary Bottle Bag Asst. Fabric. 11"H x 41/2"Diameter $3.99 ea (set of 8) $31.92 set/8 6+ sets: $3.79 ea $30.32 set/8 9745285 Polypropylene Sheets (p. 127)
NEW 9744830 Bat Sectional Candy Dishes Hand-painted raised ceramic.
41/4"H x 153/4"W x 41/2"D Openings: 41/4" Diameter 51/4"W x 31/4"D
$27.49 ea (set of 2) $54.98 set/2 3+ sets: $26.12 ea. $52.24 set/2
NEW 9745300 Ghostly Mugs Hand-painted raised ceramic. 12 oz $14.49 ea (set of 4) $57.96 set/4 4+ sets: $13.77 ea. $55.08 set/4
NEW 9745401 Humorous Bowl Asst. Hand-painted ceramic. Not intended for baking. 31/4"H x 43/4"Opening
$10.99 ea (set of 6) $65.94 set/6 4+ sets: $10.44 ea. $62.64 set/6
NEW 9745372 Freaky Pot Holder Asst. Fabric. One size fits most. 53/4"W x 101/4"D
$5.99 ea (set of 6) $35.94 set/6 6+ sets: $5.69 ea. $34.14 set/6
NEW 9744586 Black Cat Planters Raised ceramic. 31/2"H x 21/2"Opening $6.69 ea (set of 6) $40.14 set/6 3+ sets: $6.36 ea $38.16 set/6
NEW 9745360 Witchy Tea Towels Fabric. 61/2"W x 17"L $5.33 ea (set of 6) $31.98 set/6 6+ sets: $5.07 ea. $30.42 set/6
NEW 9745361 Scary Tea Towel Asst. Fabric. 131/2"W x 22"L
$6.25 ea (set of 6) $37.50 set/6 6+ sets: $5.94 ea. $35.64 set/6
NEW 9745500 Adult. 27"H x 37"W $16.50 ea (set of 2) $33.00 set/2 6+ sets: $15.68 ea $31.36 set/2
Halloween Aprons Fabric. One size fits most.
NEW 9745501 Youth. 18"H x 27"W $11.00 ea (set of 3) $33.00 set/3 6+ sets: $10.45 ea $31.35 set/3
NEW 9745370 Adult. 33"H x 281/2"W $16.50 ea (set of 2) $33.00 set/2 6+ sets: $15.68 ea $31.36 set/2
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
9742366 Ghost Beads Hand-painted wood and jute rope. 231/2" Long $4.13 ea (set of 8) $33.04 set/8 8+ sets: $3.93 ea $31.44 set/8
NEW 9745201 Trick Shelf Sitters Wood and hand-painted embossed tin. Reversible. 113/4"H x 5"W $10.99 ea (set of 4) $43.96 set/4 4+ sets: $10.44 ea $41.76 set/4
over 31" high
NEW 9745200 Trick Porch Signs
Wood and hand-painted embossed tin. Reversible. 311/2"H x 133/4"W $29.99 ea (set of 2) $59.98 set/2 3+ sets: $28.49 ea $56.98 set/2
9741410 Pumpkin Asst. (p. 26) 9742375 Pumpkin Asst. (p. 25)
60" high
Indoor usage suggested.
NEW 9745416 Animated Ghost Hangings Fabric. Illuminates. LED. Motion and sounds. On/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, included. 60"H x 16"W x 10"D
Latex Balloons sold separately: Q-05-58 Diamond Clear Q-350-41 + Q-36-41 Onyx Black Scan QR Code to learn how to construct a Bubble Cauldron
Scan for video:
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$26.99 ea (set of 2) $53.98 set/2 4+ sets: $25.64 ea. $51.28 set/2
Scan QR Code to learn how to construct Mummy Balloon Heads
Foil Balloon sold separately: 24RD-18 Onyx Black
Scan for video:
Latex Balloons sold separately: 901-11 Black + White SuperAgate ® Q-05-41 + Q-11-41 Onyx Black Q-11-28 White Q-05-58 Diamond Clear
NEW 9744572 Scary Face Planter Asst. Hand-painted recessed raised ceramic. 5"H x 3"Opening $10.15 ea (set of 4) $40.60 set/4 6+ sets: $9.65 ea. $38.60 set/4
NEW 9744796 Character Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted wood, fabric, and raffia. 15"H x 33/4"W x 13/4"D • 15"H x 43/4"W x 13/4"D 151/4"H x 83/4"W x 13/4"D • 151/2"H x 33/4"W x 13/4"D $10.99 ea (set of 5) $54.95 set/5. 4+ sets: $10.44 ea. $52.20 set/5
Tabletop Candy Holders Hand-painted embossed tin. 9"H x 73/4"Diameter • Bucket: 5"H x 73/4"Opening
$20.81 ea (set of 2) $41.62 set/2 3+ sets: $19.77 ea. $39.54 set/2 same design
NEW 9744498 Mummy
NEW 9744499 Jack-o’-lantern
NEW 9744500 Black Cat
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 9745380 Street Sign Asst. Hand-painted embossed tin. 3"H x 16"W $3.99 ea (set of 9) $35.91 set/9 8+ sets: $3.79 ea $34.11 set/9
9742303 Hocus Pocus Mugs Hand-painted recessed ceramic. 14 oz $3.75 ea (set of 12) $45.00 set/12 3+ sets: $3.57 ea. $42.84 set/12
See all of our premade Halloween Giftables on pages 167–168.
11750 Giftable Asst. (p. 168)
NEW 9744080 Character Candleholder/Vase Asst. Pressed frosted glass. 1-qt • 61/2"H x 23/4"Opening $6.67 ea (set of 12) $80.04 set/12
NEW 9744976 Ghoulish Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted raised wood. 4"H x 4"W x 4"D
$7.99 ea (set of 6) $47.94 set/6 6+ sets: $7.59 ea. $45.54 set/6
Halloween Gift Totes Polypropylene. 15"H x 13"W x 8"Gusset $2.00 ea (set of 12) $24.00 set/12 8+ sets: $1.90 ea. $22.80 set/12 same design
15" high
NEW 9745643 Mummy
NEW 9745288 Frankenstein’s Monster
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
9728254 #9 Ribbon Satin. Wired edge. 11/2" Wide x 20 yd $10.45 roll 6+ rolls: $9.93 roll
NEW 9744329 Candy Corn Shelf Sitters Fabric, felt, and plastic. 23"H x 61/2"W x 51/2"D
9736623 Spider Asst. Chenille and foam stems. 13/4"H x 5"W x 4"D $2.00 ea (set of 12) $24.00 set/12 6+ sets: $1.90 ea. $22.80 set/12
$10.99 ea (set of 4) $43.96 set/4 6+ sets: $10.44 ea. $41.76 set/4
over 19" high
NEW 9745366 Trick Or Treat Bag Asst. Fabric. 191/2"H x 11"W
$7.99 ea (set of 4) $31.96 set/4 6+ sets: $7.59 ea. $30.36 set/4
27" high
NEW 9745433 #40 Ribbon Wired edge. 21/2" Wide x 20 yd $9.99 roll 6+ rolls: $9.49 roll
9716974 Trick Or Treat Figure Asst. Fabric and foam.
24"H x 13"W x 5"D 27"H x 13"W x 5"D
$12.50 ea (set of 4) $50.00 set/4 3+ sets: $11.88 ea. $47.52 set/4
over 19" high
NEW 9745367 Trick Or Treat Bag Asst. Fabric. 191/2"H x 11"W
$7.99 ea (set of 4) $31.96 set/4 6+ sets: $7.59 ea. $30.36 set/4
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
72" long
NEW 9745290 Gnome Garlands Fabric and faux fur fabric. 72" Long • 7"H x 21/2"Diameter
$17.99 ea (set of 2) $35.98 set/2 6+ sets: $17.09 ea. $34.18 set/2
NEW 9744995 Gnome Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin, faux fur fabric, and rope. 8"H x 31/2"W x 3"D
$8.99 ea (set of 6) $53.94 set/6 4+ sets: $8.54 ea. $51.24 set/6
NEW 9744996 Gnome Figurine Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin. 81/4"H x 4"W x 4"D $11.99 ea (set of 4) $47.96 set/4 4+ sets: $11.39 ea. $45.56 set/4
NEW 9744508 Gnome Shelf Sitter Asst. Fabric, faux fur fabric, felt, wood, raffia, and foam. 193/4"H x 61/4"W x 6"D
NEW 9745010 Gnome Shelf Sitters Fabric, faux fur fabric, felt, and foam. 16"H x 71/2"W x 5"D $13.74 ea (set of 4) $54.96 set/4 4+ sets: $13.06 ea. $52.24 set/4
$8.99 ea (set of 6) $53.94 set/6 4+ sets: $8.54 ea. $51.24 set/6
NEW 9744413 Gone Batty Shelf Sitters Fabric, faux fur fabric, felt, wood, and foam. 13"H x 7"W x 43/4"D $9.99 ea (set of 4) $39.96 set/4 6+ sets: $9.49 ea $37.96 set/4
NEW 9744389 Gnome Shelf Sitters
Fabric, faux fur fabric, and plastic. Illuminates. LED. On/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, not included. 121/2"H x 6"Diameter $9.17 ea (set of 6) $55.02 set/6 4+ sets: $8.72 ea $52.32 set/6
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
Counting down the days . . .
9744975 Shelf Sitters shown personalized.
NEW 9744410 Witchy Shelf Sitters Velvet fabric, felt, and foam. 13"H x 51/2"W x 33/4"D $8.25 ea (set of 6) $49.50 set/6 4+ sets: $7.84 ea. $47.04 set/6
NEW 9744975 Countdown Shelf Sitters Wood. Reversible. 8"H x 6"W
$7.69 ea (set of 6) $46.14 set/6 6+ sets: $7.31 ea. $43.86 set/6
Wine Glasses Handblown glass. 16 oz • 41/4"H x 23/4"Opening
$7.14 ea (set of 4) $28.56 set/4 4+ sets: $6.79 ea. $27.16 set/4 same design
NEW 9744197 Broomstick
9742319 Drink Up
NEW 9745495 Cauldron Tea Towels Fabric. 131/2"W x 22"L $6.25 ea (set of 6) $37.50 set/6 6+ sets: $5.94 ea. $35.64 set/6
Indoor usage suggested.
NEW 9745194 Wicked Wall Hangings Hand-painted embossed tin. 121/2"H x 10"W
$9.89 ea (set of 4) $39.56 set/4 6+ sets: $9.40 ea. $37.60 set/4
NEW 9745035 Boot Shelf Sitters Wood, burlap, and felt. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 3–AAA batteries, not included. Some assembly required. 19"H x 14"W x 41/2"D
$30.79 ea (set of 2) $61.58 set/2 4+ sets: $29.25 ea. $58.50 set/2
NEW 9745190 Witch’s Hat Shelf Sitters Hand-painted wood and hand-painted corrugated tin.
Reversible. 111/2"H x 11"W x 4"D $16.99 ea (set of 2) $33.98 set/2 8+ sets: $16.14 ea. $32.28 set/2
NEW 9745171 Spooky Shelf Sitter Asst. Wood. 53/4"H x 10"W
$7.32 ea (set of 6) $43.92 set/6 6+ sets: $6.96 ea. $41.76 set/6
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
69" high
Indoor usage suggested.
9736611 Hanging Ghosts Fabric. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, included. 69"H x 29"W x 11"D $32.57 ea (set of 2) $65.14 set/2. 4+ sets: $30.94 ea. $61.88 set/2
9739632 Ghost Garlands Fabric and foam. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 2–AA batteries, included. 57" Long • 9"H x 3"W $7.00 ea (set of 6) $42.00 set/6. 6+ sets: $6.65 ea. $39.90 set/6
48" high
Indoor usage suggested.
42" high
LED lights change from Purple to Orange with the use of remote, included.
9742701 Trees Paper pulp, foam, and metal. Illuminates. LED. Timer. Remote control. Electrical. Some assembly required. 48"H x 20"W x 20"D • Base: 63/4"W x 63/4"D Remote: 11/2"W x 31/4"D
9742377 Ghost Yard Stakes Fabric and plastic. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, included. Some assembly required. 42"H x 16"W x 16"D
$54.94 ea (set of 2) $109.88 set/2 3+ sets: $52.20 ea. $104.40 set/2
$34.79 ea (set of 2) $69.58 set/2 4+ sets: $33.05 ea. $66.10 set/2
NEW 9744198 Scary Mugs Hand-painted recessed ceramic. 14 oz $4.00 ea (set of 6) $24.00 set/6 6+ sets: $3.80 ea $22.80 set/6
welcome to SPOOKY SEASON
9742274 #40 Ribbon Wired edge. 21/2" Wide x 20 yd $11.99 roll 6+ rolls: $11.39 roll
NEW 9745494 Bat + Frank Planter Asst. Hand-painted galvanized embossed raised tin and rope.
81/2"H x 101/4"W x 41/4"D • 10"H x 12"W x 41/2"D • Opening: 53/4"W x 5"D $21.98 ea (set of 4) $87.92 set/4. 4+ sets: $20.88 ea. $83.52 set/4
70" long
NEW 9745041 Spooky Garlands Felt and fabric. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 2–AA batteries, not included. 70" Long • 3"H x 6"W • 5"H x 21/2"W $8.25 ea (set of 6) $49.50 set/6. 4+ sets: $7.84 ea. $47.04 set/6
NEW 9744584 Bat Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted wood. 3"H x 6"W $2.75 ea (set of 12) $33.00 set/12 8+ sets: $2.62 ea. $31.44 set/12
NEW 9744799 Haunted House Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted galvanized laser-cut tin and galvanized corrugated tin. Illuminates. LED. On/off switch. Requires 2–micro–cell batteries, not included. 81/2"H x 51/2"W x 21/2"D • 103/4"H x 63/4"W x 21/2"D • 131/4"H x 71/4"W x 21/2"D $65.97 set/3. 4+ sets: $62.67 set/3
21" high
9731211 Ghostly Garlands Gauze and foam. 68" Long • 21"H x 101/2"W x 21/2"D
$18.14 ea (set of 2) $36.28 set/2 6+ sets: $17.24 ea. $34.48 set/2
9742327 Ghost Picks Fabric, felt, and foam. 12" Tall • 5"H x 4"W x 11/2"D
$.93 ea (pk of 24) $22.32 pk/24 10+ pks: $.89 ea. $21.36 pk/24
NEW 9745193 #40 Ribbon Velvet. Wired edge. 21/2" Wide x 20 yd $24.18 roll. 6+ rolls: $22.97 roll
NEW 9745378 Ghostly Shelf Sitter Asst. Raised wood and twine. 7"H x 41/4"W • 71/2"H x 4"W • 9"H x 41/2"W $35.94 set/6. 6+ sets: $34.14 set/6
9742702 Boo Mugs Hand-painted raised porcelain. 16 oz $5.75 ea (set of 6) $34.50 set/6 6+ sets: $5.47 ea. $32.82 set/6
11" high celebrate with GHOULISH GLEE
NEW 9745377 Spooky Wall Hangings Raised wood and twine. 10"H x 5"W $4.74 ea (set of 8) $37.92 set/8 6+ sets: $4.51 ea. $36.08 set/8
9742375 Dressy Pumpkin Asst. Velvet fabric, feathers, tulle, acrylic, and foam. 61/2"H x 51/2"Diameter • 8"H x 7"Diameter 11"H x 7"Diameter $44.97 set/3. 4+ sets: $42.72 set/3
NEW 9745300 Ghostly Mugs Hand-painted raised ceramic. 12 oz $14.49 ea (set of 4) $57.96 set/4 4+ sets: $13.77 ea. $55.08 set/4
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
Jack Candleholders Hand-painted galvanized laser-cut embossed tin and wood.
NEW 9744571 Large 12"H x 4"Opening $28.59 ea (set of 2) $57.18 set/2 4+ sets: $27.16 ea $54.32 set/2
NEW 9744573 Extra Large 15"H x 51/2"Opening $41.79 ea (set of 2) $83.58 set/2 4+ sets: $39.70 ea $79.40 set/2
Shown with 025401 and 025601 Pillar Candles (p.136)
9741410 Fancy Pumpkin Asst. Velvet fabric, fabric, and plastic. 4"H x 41/4"Diameter
$3.99 ea (set of 6) $23.94 set/6 6+ sets: $3.79 ea. $22.74 set/6
Dry ice special effects shown for illustrative purposes only.
NEW 9744569 Cauldron Mug Asst. Iridescent raised porcelain. 16 oz $7.43 ea (set of 6) $44.58 set/6. 4+ sets: $7.06 ea. $42.36 set/6
12" high
Multicolor strobe
Scan for video:
NEW 9744580 Stacked Skulls Hand-painted poly-resin. Illuminates. LED. On/off switch. Requires 3–micro-cell batteries, not included. 113/4"H x 33/4"W x 41/2"D $19.79 ea (set of 3) $59.37 set/3 4+ sets: $18.80 ea. $56.40 set/3
NEW 9744791 Cauldron Shelf Sitters Galvanized tin. Illuminates. LED. On/off switch. Requires 3–AAA batteries, not included. 12"H x 12"W x 13/4"D
$22.99 ea (set of 2) $45.98 set/2 6+ sets: $21.84 ea. $43.68 set/2
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
9741387 Jack-o’-lantern Shelf Sitters Fabric, faux linen fabric, and jute. 20"H x 8"Diameter
$16.67 ea (set of 3) $50.01 set/3 6+ sets: $15.84 ea. $47.52 set/3
9741386 Jack-o’-lantern Figures Fabric, faux linen fabric, jute, and wood. 22"H x 6"Diameter $22.00 ea (set of 2) $44.00 set/2 6+ sets: $20.90 ea. $41.80 set/2
NEW 9744409 Pumpkin Pillow Asst. Fabric. 14" Wide $19.99 ea (set of 3) $59.97 set/3 4+ sets: $18.99 ea. $56.97 set/3
19" wide
Bat Wall Hangings Fabric, faux fur fabric, and foam. Illuminates. LED.
Timer and on/off switch. Requires 2–AA batteries, not included.
NEW 9744345 Boo 5"H x 19"W x 3"D
$12.09 ea (set of 3) $36.27 set/3 8+ sets: $11.49 ea. $34.47 set/3
38" wide
NEW 9744346 Halloween 81/2"H x 38"W x 41/2"D $24.99 ea (set of 2) $49.98 set/2 4+ sets: $23.74 ea. $47.48 set/2
Ghost Shelf Sitters Fabric and felt.
NEW 9745306 Large 10"H x 51/4"W x 3"D $7.69 ea (set of 6) $46.14 set/6 4+ sets: $7.31 ea $43.86 set/6
NEW 9745143 Small 6"H x 3"W x 2"D
$3.84 ea (set of 9) $34.56 set/9 6+ sets: $3.65 ea. $32.85 set/9
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
See all of our premade Halloween Giftables on pages 167–168.
11745 Giftable Asst. (p. 167)
NEW 9744408 Cat Shelf Sitter Asst. Fabric, tulle, plastic, and foam. 21"H x 6"W x 6"D • 25"H x 6"W x 4"D $18.99 ea (set of 2) $37.98 set/2 5+ sets: $18.04 ea. $36.08 set/2
NEW 9744199 Spell Mugs Recessed ceramic. 14 oz $3.75 ea (set of 12) $45.00 set/12 3+ sets: $3.57 ea. $42.84 set/12
NEW 9744250 Cat Figure Asst. Fabric, wood, tulle, plastic, and foam. 20"H x 6"Diameter • 24"H x 6"Diameter $23.99 ea (set of 2) $47.98 set/2 4+ sets: $22.79 ea. $45.58 set/2
14" wide
NEW 9744409 Pumpkin Pillow Asst. Fabric. 14" Wide $19.99 ea (set of 3) $59.97 set/3 4+ sets: $18.99 ea. $56.97 set/3
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 9745379 Ghostly Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted raised wood. 12"H x 91/2"W x 3"D 15"H x 103/4"W x 4"D • 17"H x 12"W x 5"D $47.97 set/3. 6+ sets: $45.57 set/3
NEW 9745007 Mason Jar Candleholder/Vase Asst. Pressed frosted glass and twine. 1-pt • 51/4"H x 21/4"Opening $4.13 ea (case of 24) $99.12 case/24
9742443 Boo Shelf Sitters Hand-painted wood, corrugated tin, and burlap. 5"H x 113/4"W $6.69 ea (set of 6) $40.14 set/6 6+ sets: $6.36 ea. $38.16 set/6
NEW 9745292 Character Planter Asst. Hand-painted embossed tin, galvanized embossed tin, and rope. PVC liners. 10"H x 111/2"W x 41/2"D 101/2"H x 71/2"W x 41/2"D Opening: 53/4"W x 5"D
$21.98 ea (set of 4) $87.92 set/4 4+ sets: $20.88 ea. $83.52 set/4
NEW 9744745 Pumpkin Hanging Asst. Pressboard. 81/2"H x 11"W
$5.49 ea (set of 9) $49.41 set/9 4+ sets: $5.22 ea. $46.98 set/9
S0916 Orange + S0926 Black #9 Ribbon (p. 145) S0901 White #9 Ribbon sold separately.
9742364 Beaded Wall Hangings Hand-painted wood and laser-cut tin. 8"H x 25"W x 11/2"D
$14.30 ea (set of 3) $42.90 set/3 6+ sets: $13.59 ea. $40.77 set/3
NEW 9744542 Goofy Pumpkin Shelf Sitters Fabric, felt, and plastic. 18"H x 71/2"W x 5"D $11.99 ea (set of 4) $47.96 set/4 3+ sets: $11.39 ea. $45.56 set/4
9736613 Fancy Pumpkin Asst. Velvet fabric, tulle, and foam. 61/2"H x 51/2"Diameter
8"H x 7"Diameter • 11"H x 7"Diameter $44.97 set/3. 4+ sets: $42.72 set/3
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 9744251 Bag Shelf Sitter Asst. Burlap and raffia. 9"H x 6"W x 21/2"D $6.79 ea (set of 6) $40.74 set/6 8+ sets: $6.45 ea. $38.70 set/6
NEW 9744561 Jack-o’-lantern Candleholder Asst. Ceramic. 43/4"H x 31/4"Opening $12.09 ea (set of 3) $36.27 set/3. 3+ sets: $11.49 ea. $34.47 set/3
Shown with 16204 Tea Light Candles (p. 137), not included.
Jack-o’-lantern Pot Cover Assts. Tin. PVC liners.
NEW 9744426 #4 41/2"H x 43/4"Opening $3.29 ea (set of 12) $39.48 set/12 4+ sets: $3.13 ea $37.56 set/12
NEW 9744422 #6 53/4"H x 63/4"Opening
9745285 Polypropylene Sheets (p. 127) 9742243 #9 Plaid Ribbon (p. 140) 972099 Citrus + 9709608 Orange #9 Ribbon sold separately.
$4.89 ea (set of 9) $44.01 set/9 4+ sets: $4.65 ea. $41.85 set/9
NEW 9744495 Jack-o’-lantern Candleholder Asst. Hand-painted laser-cut tin.
121/2"H x 81/2"W x 6"D 13"H x 9"W x 61/4"D 131/4"H x 91/2"W x 61/2"D
$26.65 ea (set of 3) $79.95 set/3 3+ sets: $25.32 ea. $75.96 set/3
16204 Tea Light Candles (p. 137)
16" high
NEW 9744990 Jack-o’-lantern Décor Asst. Wood veneer and foam. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, not included.
16"H x 101/2"W x 13/4"D • 16"H x 111/4"W x 13/4"D • 161/2"H x 13"W x 13/4"D $20.99 ea (set of 3) $62.97 set/3. 4+ sets: $19.94 ea. $59.82 set/3
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
9741593 Jack-o’-lantern Planters Hand-painted raised ceramic. 5"H x 4"Opening $12.99 ea (set of 4) $51.96 set/4 6+ sets: $12.34 ea $49.36 set/4
NEW 9744797 Fall Shelf Sitters Hand-painted wood, hand-painted galvanized embossed tin, and twine. Reversible. 8"H x 8"W
$9.90 ea (set of 6) $59.40 set/6 4+ sets: $9.41 ea. $56.46 set/6
NEW 9744973 Block Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted wood, hand-painted corrugated tin, and raffia. 41/2"H x 3"W x 2"D 51/2"H x 3"W x 2"D • 63/4"H x 3"W x 2"D $39.54 set/6. 6+ sets: $37.56 set/6
9742275 #40 Ribbon Wired edge. 21/2" Wide x 20 yd $11.99 roll. 6+ rolls: $11.39 roll
NEW 9744972 Fall Shelf Sitters Hand-painted wood and raffia. Reversible. 81/2"H x 10"W
$11.99 ea (set of 3) $35.97 set/3 6+ sets: $11.39 ea. $34.17 set/3
NEW 9745191 Wreath Wall Hangings Wood, galvanized embossed tin, and tin. 101/4" Diameter $10.99 ea (set of 4) $43.96 set/4 6+ sets: $10.44 ea $41.76 set/4
NEW 9745257 Spooky Beads Hand-painted wood and jute rope. 231/2" Long $5.86 ea (set of 6) $35.16 set/6 8+ sets: $5.57 ea $33.42 set/6
NEW 9745429 #40 Ribbon Wired edge. 21/2" Wide x 20 yd $18.99 roll. 6+ rolls: $18.04 roll
NEW 9744521 Jack-o’-lantern Bag Asst. Felt. 61/2"H x 6"W x 31/2"Gusset $3.29 ea (set of 12) $39.48 set/12 6+ sets: $3.13 ea $37.56 set/12
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
13" high
NEW 9744800 Front Door Hangings Wood and metal. Reversible. 12"H x 71/4"W
9742515 Front Door Hangings Wood. Reversible. 13"H x 153/4"W $10.50 ea (set of 4) $42.00 set/4 4+ sets: $9.98 ea. $39.92 set/4
$6.88 ea (set of 6) $41.28 set/6 6+ sets: $6.54 ea. $39.24 set/6
Halloween Yard Stakes
Hand-painted corrugated tin. $18.50 ea (set of 3) $55.50 set/3 4+ sets: $17.58 ea $52.74 set/3 same design A. NEW 9744928 Trick Or Treat Laser-cut. 241/2" Tall 143/4"H x 151/2"W B. NEW 9744927 Witchy Jack 321/2" Tall 23"H x 16"W
over 32" high
Includes twine for optional hanging.
over 53" long
Indoor usage suggested.
NEW 9744462 Halloween Garlands Fabric, felt, jute, and raffia. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 2–AA batteries, not included. 531/4" Long • 41/2"H x 31/2"W • 101/2"H x 7"W
$17.59 ea (set of 3) $52.77 set/3 4+ sets: $16.71 ea. $50.13 set/3
witchy HALLOWEEN gnomes
NEW 9744414 Gnome Shelf Sitter Asst. Fabric, felt, plastic, raffia, and foam. 11"H x 5"W x 31/2"D $7.49 ea (set of 6) $44.94 set/6 5+ sets: $7.12 ea. $42.72 set/6
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
Cat Shelf Sitters Fabric and foam.
9745297 Pumpkin Asst. (p. 59)
NEW 9744343 Boo 9"H x 7"W x 5"D
NEW 9744344 Trick Or Treat 13"H x 81/2"W x 61/2"D $21.99 ea (set of 3) $65.97 set/3 3+ sets: $20.89 ea. $62.67 set/3
$9.99 ea (set of 4) $39.96 set/4 6+ sets: $9.49 ea. $37.96 set/4
9730361 Cat Figure Asst. Hand-painted wood plank and burlap. Indoor use recommended. 16"H x 10"W x 21/2"D 163/4"H x 6"W x 2"D 17"H x 63/4"W x 21/4"D $17.67 ea (set of 3) $53.01 set/3 5+ sets: $16.79 ea $50.37 set/3
If used outdoors, we recommend placing under shelter, away from the elements.
NEW 9745033 Hat Shelf Sitters Wood veneer, fabric, embossed tin, and foam. Requires 3–AAA batteries, not included. Some assembly required. 12"H x 14"W x 71/2"D
$29.69 ea (set of 2) $59.38 set/2 3+ sets: $28.21 ea. $56.42 set/2
Light-up Halloween Décor Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch.
NEW 9745034 Cat Wall Hangings Wood veneer, fabric, and foam. Requires 3–AAA batteries, not included. 141/2"H x 15"W $21.99 ea (set of 2) $43.98 set/2 5+ sets: $20.89 ea. $41.78 set/2
Indoor usage suggested.
NEW 9744879 Cat Figure Asst. Wood veneer, burlap, and foam. Requires 3–AA batteries, not included. 161/2"H x 6"W x 21/4"D 161/2"H x 81/4"W x 21/4"D 171/2"H x 61/4"W x 21/4"D $21.44 ea (set of 3) $64.32 set/3 5+ sets: $20.37 $61.11 set/3
26" high
9733779 Eyeball Ornament Asst. Poly-foam and paper. 6" Diameter $7.49 ea (set of 6) $44.94 set/6 6+ sets: $7.12 ea. $42.72 set/6
9745009 Witch’s Hats Fabric, mesh, and tulle. One size fits most. 26"H x 16"Diameter 71/4" Opening $12.99 ea (set of 3) $38.97 set/3 4+ sets: $12.34 ea $37.02 set/3
Includes ribbon for hanging.
NEW 9744610 Witch’s Boot Shelf Sitter Asst. Fabric, lace, and faux leather.
11"H x 3"W x 10"D $17.59 pair (3 pairs) $52.77 3 pairs 4+ pairs: $16.72 pair $50.16 3 pairs
160901 Taper Candles (p. 137) 9744197 Wine Glasses (p. 18) 9744995 Gnome Shelf Sitter Asst. (p. 16) 9745401 Bowl Asst. (p. 5) 9744996 Gnome Figurine Asst. (p. 16)
36" high
Scan for video:
Indoor usage suggested.
9742433 Animated Broom Asst. Tulle and plastic. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Motion and sounds. On/off switch. Requires 4–AA batteries, included. 36"H x 9"Diameter $21.06 ea (set of 3) $63.18 set/3 3+ sets: $20.01 ea. $60.03 set/3
35" high
Indoor usage suggested.
Scan for video:
9736610 Animated Broom Asst. Wood, plastic, and papier mâché. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Motion and sounds. On/off switch. Requires 4–AA batteries, included. 35"H x 6"Diameter $26.53 ea (set of 3) $79.59 set/3 3+ sets: $25.21 ea. $75.63 set/3
60" high
65" high
Indoor usage suggested.
9736609 Animated Maid Fabric, plastic, and metal. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Motion and sounds. On/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, included. Some assembly required. 60"H x 20"W x 12"D $82.46 ea. 4+: $78.34 ea
9742804 Animated Butler Fabric, plastic, and metal. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Motion and sounds. On/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, included. Some assembly required. 65"H x 20"W x 12"D $85.96 ea. 4+: $81.66 ea
Scan for video:
Scan for video:
NEW 9744604 Witch’s Arm Wall Hangings Hand-painted poly-resin and lace. 31/2"H x 33/4"W x 113/4"D
$21.66 ea (set of 3) $64.98 set/3 4+ sets: $20.58 ea. $61.74 set/3
160901 Taper Candles (p. 137)
24" wide
Indoor usage suggested.
48" wide
Scan for video:
NEW 9744710 Spider Figures Faux fur fabric and plastic. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 2–AA batteries,
9736614 Animated Hanging Spiders Fabric, faux fur fabric, and foam. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Motion. On/off switch. Requires 3–AAA batteries, included. 7"H x 24"W x 5"D $14.30 ea (set of 3) $42.90 set/3 4+ sets: $13.59 ea. $40.77 set/3
not included. 10"H x 48"W x 30"D $28.59 ea (set of 3) $85.77 set/3 3+ sets: $27.16 ea. $81.48 set/3
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
96" high B
Indoor usage suggested.
72" high C
54" high A
Scan for video:
Scan for video:
Q-05-89 Lime Green, Q-350-41 + Q-36-41 Onyx Black, Q-260-CP Carnival Asst., + Q-11-96 Mocha Brown Latex Balloons sold separately.
A. 9742434 Animated Witches Fabric, plastic, and metal. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Sounds. On/off switch. Requires 3–AAA batteries, included. Removable pole to decrease height to 24". Some assembly required. 54"H x 23"W x 16"D $26.50 ea (set of 2) $53.00 set/2 3+ sets: $25.18 ea. $50.36 set/2
B. 9717069 Spooky Curtains Fabric and mesh. 96"H x 68"W $23.50 ea (set of 2) $47.00 set/2 3+ sets: $22.33 ea. $44.66 set/2
C. 9723862 Animated Broomstick Witch Fabric, plastic, raffia, and metal. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Motion and sounds. On/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, included. Some assembly required. 72"H x 18"W x 12"D $70.77 ea. 3+: $67.23 ea
Indoor usage suggested.
76" high
63" high
Scan for video:
Scan for video:
NEW 9745415 Animated Book of Spells Witch Fabric, plastic, and metal. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Motion and sounds. On/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, included. Some assembly required. 76"H x 20"W x 22"D $79.99 ea. 3+: $75.99 ea
NEW 9745420 Animated Witch Hangings Plastic and fabric. Illuminates. LED. Motion and sounds. On/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, included. 63"H x 23"W x 11"D
$38.49 ea (set of 2) $76.98 set/2 4+ sets: $36.57 ea. $73.14 set/2
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
9745540 Plate Asst. (p. 72)
NEW 3024-126 Giving Platters Ceramic. 14" Wide $25.81 ea (set of 2) $51.62 set/2 4+ sets: $24.52 ea $49.04 set/2 Message: Savor its gifts, refill, and pass along. Spreading love and gratitude from home to home.
NEW 9744721 Cinched Neck Vases Handblown raised glass. 7"H x 5"Opening $15.68 ea (case of 6) $94.08 case/6
NEW 9745551 Pumpkin Platters Ceramic. 121/4" Wide $17.78 ea (set of 3) $53.34 set/3 4+ sets: $16.89 ea. $50.67 set/3
NEW 9745368 Thanks Table Runners Fabric. 14"W x 72"L $14.99 ea (set of 2) $29.98 set/2 6+ sets: $14.24 ea. $28.48 set/2
72" long
3024-249 Shelf Sitter Asst. (p. 54) 9745297 Pumpkin Asst. (p. 59) 9736988 Basket Asst. (p. 121) 9744697 Small + 9744698 Large Cake Pedestals (p. 71)
NEW 9745506 Pumpkin Dip Bowl + Spreader Sets Wood and stainless steel. Not intended for cooking or baking. Approved for use with open foodstuff. 3"H x 4"Opening • 51/2" Long $13.99 set (3 sets) $41.97 3 sets 4+ sets: $13.29 set. $39.87 3 sets
NEW 9744589 Squirrel Planters Hand-painted recessed raised porcelain. 5"H x 101/2"W x 5"D Opening: 41/2"W x 31/2"D $16.97 ea (set of 3) $50.91 set/3 4+ sets: $16.12 ea. $48.36 set/3
NEW 3024-157 Pumpkin Bowl Asst. Wood. Nested. Not intended for cooking or baking. Approved for use with open foodstuff. 21/2"H x 7"Opening 3"H x 83/4"Opening • 31/2"H x 123/4"Opening $50.00 set/3. 4+ sets: $47.52 set/3
NEW 9745552 Thankful Platters Ceramic. 131/2" Wide $29.98 ea (set of 2) $59.96 set/2 3+ sets: $28.48 ea. $56.96 set/2
NEW 3024-97 Thankful Plates Ceramic. 7" Wide $7.99 ea (set of 4) $31.96 set/4 6+ sets: $7.59 ea. $30.36 set/4
NEW 3024-160 Give Thanks Bakeware Hand-painted recessed stoneware. Oven safe to 425ºF.
1.75-qt • 21/2"H x 121/4"W x 81/4"D Opening: 21/4"H x 11"W x 71/2"D $27.49 ea (set of 2) $54.98 set/2 4+ sets: $26.12 ea. $52.24 set/2
17" wide
NEW 3024-310 Fall Plaid Tea Towels Fabric. 131/2"W x 22"L
NEW 3024-252 Gather Pillows Fabric and twine. 17" Wide $25.99 ea (set of 2) $51.98 set/2 3+ sets: $24.69 ea. $49.38 set/2
$5.50 ea (set of 6) $33.00 set/6 6+ sets: $5.23 ea. $31.38 set/6
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 9745385 Turkey Tea Towels Fabric. 12"W x 22"L $5.50 ea (set of 6) $33.00 set/6 6+ sets: $5.23 ea. $31.38 set/6
40" high
NEW 9744897 Pumpkin Décor Pressed raised glass and hand-painted embossed tin. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 3–AA batteries, not included. 53/4"H x 71/4"Diameter $26.99 ea (set of 2) $53.98 set/2 6+ sets: $25.64 ea. $51.28 set/2
NEW 9745497 Thankful Adult Aprons Fabric. One size fits most. 40"H x 30"W $16.50 ea (set of 2) $33.00 set/2 6+ sets: $15.68 ea. $31.36 set/2
NEW 9744645 Pumpkin Décor Handblown raised glass. 8"H x 51/2"Diameter $21.88 ea (case of 3) $65.64 case/3
NEW 9745240 Grateful Wall Hangings Wood. 5"H x 153/4"W
$8.24 ea (set of 6) $49.44 set/6 6+ sets: $7.83 ea. $46.98 set/6
NEW 9745107 Pumpkin Crate Asst. Wood and galvanized tin. Nested. 4"H x 113/4"W x 8"D 5"H x 151/2"W x 9"D • 6"H x 181/2"W x 10"D $70.41 set/3. 4+ sets: $66.90 set/3
NEW 9745219 Give Thanks Wall Hangings Hand-painted raised wood. 12"H x 9"W
$10.99 ea (set of 4) $43.96 set/4 6+ sets: $10.44 ea. $41.76 set/4
NEW 9745237 Thankful Shelf Sitter Asst. Hand-painted wood. 21/2"H x 5"W $3.58 ea (set of 8) $28.64 set/8. 8+ sets: $3.41 ea. $27.28 set/8
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 9745224 Tall Pumpkin Post Asst. Hand-painted wood, hand-painted corrugated tin, hand-painted embossed tin, and twine. 141/4"H x 6"W x 2"D
161/2"H x 5"W x 2"D 18"H x 41/2"W x 2"D $39.48 set/3 6+ sets: $37.53 set/3
NEW 9745000 Pumpkin Asst. Fabric, wood, jute, and foam.
61/4"H x 6"Diameter 91/2"H x 81/2"Diameter 111/2"H x 101/2"Diameter $65.97 set/3 3+ sets: $62.67 set/3
NEW 3024-249 Grateful Shelf Sitter Asst. Wood and hand-painted corrugated tin. 31/2"H x 113/4"W
$7.14 ea (set of 6) $42.84 set/6 8+ sets: $6.79 ea. $40.74 set/6
025401 + 025601 Pillar Candles (p. 136) • 9744782 Candleholder Asst. (p. 75) 9745459 Beaded Garlands (p. 71) • 9740167 Bird Asst. (p. 104)
NEW 9745185 Fall Garlands Hand-painted embossed tin and wood. 58" Long • 4"H x 41/2"W • 5"H x 4"W • 6"H x 23/4"W
$9.99 ea (set of 4) $39.96 set/4 6+ sets: $9.49 ea. $37.96 set/4
9740165 Glitzy Pumpkin Asst. Velvet fabric, feathers, plastic, and foam. 41/2"H x 5"Diameter • 61/4"H x 7"Diameter 81/2"H x 8"Diameter $52.59 set/3. 4+ sets: $49.98 set/3
NEW 9745220 Grateful Shelf Sitter Asst. Wood, hand-painted corrugated tin, hand-painted embossed tin, and rope. 8"H x 91/2"W • 83/4"H x 81/4"W • 101/4"H x 91/4"D $59.94 set/6. 6+ sets: $56.94 set/6
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 9745207 Autumn Leaf Wall Hanging Asst. Wood. 61/2"H x 191/4"W $8.23 ea (set of 6) $49.38 set/6 4+ sets: $7.82 ea. $46.92 set/6
Photo shooting
NEW 9744092 #9 Ribbon Wired edge. 11/2" Wide x 20 yd $10.99 roll. 6+ rolls: $10.44 roll
NEW 9744090 #9 Ribbon Wired edge. 11/2" Wide x 20 yd $10.99 roll. 6+ rolls: $10.44 roll
Leaves + Berries Pot Covers Melamine. Food safe.
NEW 3024-303 #4 41/2"H x 5"Opening $1.43 ea (set of 12) $17.16 set/12 4+ sets: $1.36 ea $16.32 set/12
NEW 3024-304 #6 53/4"H x 63/4"Opening $2.75 ea (set of 12) $33.00 set/12 4+ sets: $2.62 ea $31.44 set/12
NEW 9745241 Grateful Shelf Sitter/Wall Hanging Asst. Hand-painted raised wood. 61/4"H x 61/4"W $6.87 ea (set of 6) $41.22 set/6 6+ sets: $6.53 ea. $39.18 set/6
so very GRATEFUL
NEW 9745029 Pumpkin Asst. Fabric, wood, jute, faux leather, and foam 7"H x 7"Diameter 81/4"H x 6"Diameter 12"H x 8"Diameter $52.47 set/3 4+ sets: $49.86 set/3
Grateful Pot Covers Galvanized tin. PVC liners.
S0905 #9 Ribbon (p. 145)
NEW 9744168 #4 41/2"H x 43/4"Opening $3.13 ea (set of 12) $37.56 set/12 4+ sets: $2.98 ea $35.76 set/12
NEW 9744169 #6 53/4"H x 63/4"Opening $4.28 ea (set of 12) $51.36 set/12 4+ sets: $4.07 ea $48.84 set/12
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 9745101 Pumpkin Patch Planter Asst. Wood. Nested. PVC liners. 73/4"H x 91/2"W x 7"D • 83/4"H x 11"W x 8"D $39.98 set/2. 6+ sets: $37.98 set/2
9739345 Mornin’ Pumpkin Mugs Ceramic. 16 oz $6.04 ea (set of 6) $36.24 set/6 6+ sets: $5.74 ea. $34.44 set/6
9742371 Small Pumpkins Fabric, foam, plastic, and jute. 23/4"H x 21/2"Diameter
$9.75 set (4 sets of 6) $39.00 4 sets/6 6+ sets: $9.27 set. $37.08 4 sets/6
9741330 Large Pumpkin Asst. Fabric, plastic, jute, and foam. 6"H x 8"Diameter 83/4"H x 61/4"Diameter 10"H x 6"Diameter $50.19 set/3 4+ sets: $47.70 set/3
NEW 3024-132 Grateful Wall Hanging Asst. Wood. 73/4"H x 10"W
$7.14 ea (set of 6) $42.84 set/6 6+ sets: $6.79 ea. $40.74 set/6
NEW 9745218 Fall Shelf Sitter Asst. Wood. 21/4"H x 153/4"W $6.37 ea (set of 8) $50.96 set/8 6+ sets: $6.06 ea. $48.48 set/8
9742556 Fall Mugs Hand-painted recessed ceramic. 16 oz $6.84 ea (set of 6) $41.04 set/6 6+ sets: $6.50 ea. $39.00 set/6
NEW 9745297 Pumpkin Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin. 61/2"H x 6"Diameter • 8"H x 8"Diameter $103.20 set/4. 3+ sets: $98.04 set/4
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
16" high
NEW 9745025 Pilgrim Figurine Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin. 81/2"H x 23/4"W x 21/4"D • 91/4"H x 31/2"W x 21/2"D
$10.44 ea (set of 4) $41.76 set/4 6+ sets: $9.92 ea. $39.68 set/4
NEW 9744326 Gnome Shelf Sitters Fabric, felt, and jute. 16"H x 4"Diameter $6.59 ea (set of 6) $39.54 set/6 8+ sets: $6.26 ea. $37.56 set/6
NEW 9744271 Abundant Pumpkin Asst. Fabric, felt, and jute. 8"H x 81/2"W x 5"D 9"H x 8"W x 51/2"D • 91/2"H x 14"W x 3"D
$15.94 ea (set of 3) $47.82 set/3 3+ sets: $15.15 ea. $45.45 set/3
NEW 9745322 Squirrel Couple Figure Asst. Thread, fabric, faux fur fabric, burlap, and foam. 8"H x 4"W x 7"D $15.39 ea (set of 4) $61.56 set/4 3+ sets: $14.62 ea. $58.48 set/4
NEW 9745017 Pilgrim Squirrel Figurines Hand-painted poly-resin. 51/2"H x 51/2"W x 3"D
NEW 9744093 #9 Ribbon Wired edge. 11/2" Wide x 20 yd $10.99 roll. 6+ rolls: $10.44 roll
$11.99 ea (set of 3) $35.97 set/3 6+ sets: $11.39 ea. $34.17 set/3
NEW 9744455 Plaid Pumpkin Asst. Fabric, burlap, wood, twine, faux leather, and foam. 5"H x 61/2"Diameter • 61/2"H x 71/2"Diameter • 81/4"H x 6"Diameter $67.20 set/6. 3+ sets: $63.84 set/6
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
9744636 Pot Cover Asst. (p. 115)
NEW 9744260 Fall Owl Shelf Sitters Fabric, faux fur fabric, wood, and plastic. 15"H x 81/2"W $13.93 ea (set of 3) $41.79 set/3 3+ sets: $13.24 ea. $39.72 set/3
NEW 9745027 Fall Mugs Hand-painted recessed ceramic. 16 oz $6.59 ea (set of 6) $39.54 set/6 4+ sets: $6.26 ea. $37.56 set/6
NEW 9744825 Pumpkin Asst. Hand-painted raised porcelain and hand-painted embossed tin. 41/4"H x 4"W x 13/4"D • 51/4"H x 51/2"W x 13/4"D • 51/2"H x 33/4"W x 13/4"D $46.08 set/9. 4+ sets: $43.83 set/9
NEW 9744988 Pumpkin Asst. Burlap, wood, twine, jute, fabric, and foam. 8"H x 73/4"W x 3"D 10"H x 121/2"W x 3"D 14"H x 15"W x 4"D $49.95 set/3 4+ sets: $47.46 set/3
NEW 9745363 Thankful Throw Pillows Fabric. Reversible. 14" Wide
$14.99 ea (set of 2) $29.98 set/2 6+ sets: $14.24 ea. $28.48 set/2
Plaid Pot Covers Galvanized tin. PVC liners.
NEW 9744468 Knit Pumpkins Fabric, jute, faux leather, and foam. 71/2"H x 71/2"Diameter $11.49 ea (set of 4) $45.96 set/4 6+ sets: $10.92 ea. $43.68 set/4
NEW 9744772 #4 41/2"H x 43/4"Opening $3.13 ea (set of 12) $37.56 set/12 4+ sets: $2.98 ea $35.76 set/12
NEW 9744773 #6 53/4"H x 63/4"Opening $4.28 ea (set of 12) $51.36 set/12 4+ sets: $4.07 ea $48.84 set/12
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
“It has been my pleasure to create illustrations and lovable characters for lots of fun products. I hope they bring a little smile to anyone who has the opportunity to enjoy them.” © 2021 Tina Wenke
NEW 9745302 Inspirational Platters Ceramic. 12" Wide $26.99 ea (set of 2) $53.98 set/2 3+ sets: $25.64 ea. $51.28 set/2
NEW 3026-126 Gather Platters Ceramic. 141/2" Wide $26.99 ea (set of 2) $53.98 set/2 3+ sets: $25.64 ea $51.28 set/2
NEW 3026-00 Sunflower Mugs Ceramic. 13 oz $4.26 ea (set of 6) $25.56 set/6 6+ sets: $4.05 ea. $24.30 set/6
NEW 3026-170 Blessed Mugs Ceramic. 18 oz $9.35 ea (set of 6) $56.10 set/6 4+ sets: $8.89 ea. $53.34 set/6
9741635 Pumpkin Asst. (p. 91) • 9744698 Cake Pedestals (p. 71) 025401 + 025601 Pillar Candles (p. 136) • 9745459 Beaded Garlands (p. 71)
NEW 3026-39 Angel Figurine Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin. 81/2"H x 31/2"W x 21/2"D
NEW 3026-86 Sunflower Pitchers Ceramic. 48 oz • 71/2"H x 31/2"Opening $20.99 ea (set of 2) $41.98 set/2 6+ sets: $19.94 ea. $39.88 set/2
$11.99 ea (set of 6) $71.94 set/6 4+ sets: $11.39 ea. $68.34 set/6
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 3026-94 Floral Planter Asst. Wood and galvanized tin. PVC liners. 41/2"H x 51/4"W x 51/4"D $9.08 ea (set of 6) $54.48 set/6 6+ sets: $8.63 ea. $51.78 set/6
9744651 Figurine Asst. (p. 85)
063026 Enclosure Cards 21/4"H x 31/2"W $1.50 pk/50 10+ pks: $1.43 pk/50
over 12" high
NEW 3026-144 Fall Pick Asst. Wood. Clip. 12" Tall • 11/2"H x 3"W 3"H x 21/2"W • 3"H x 3"W $1.09 ea (pk of 24) $26.16 pk/24 6+ pks: $1.04 ea. $24.96 pk/24
NEW 9744993 Fall Harvest Figurine Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin. 121/4"H x 43/4"W x 31/2"D
$19.99 ea (set of 3) $59.97 set/3 4+ sets: $18.99 ea. $56.97 set/3
NEW 9745105 Tag Wall Hanging Asst.
Wood. 8"H x 41/2"W $4.39 ea (set of 12) $52.68 set/12 6+ sets: $4.18 ea $50.16 set/12
GRATEFUL to gather
067413 Enclosure Cards 21/4"H x 31/2"W $1.50 pk/50 10+ pks: $1.43 pk/50
9739343 Pumpkin Asst. Hand-painted raised ceramic and raffia. 41/2"H x 51/2"Diameter
51/2"H x 41/2"Diameter 61/2"H x 5"Diameter $53.10 set/6 4+ sets: $50.46 set/6
NEW 9744026 Grateful Planters Wood. PVC liners. 4"H x 12"W x 41/2"D $14.85 ea (set of 4) $59.40 set/4 3+ sets: $14.11 ea. $56.44 set/4
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
NEW 9744978 Harvest Wall Hanging Asst. Wood and galvanized corrugated tin. 10"H x 10"W
$7.87 ea (set of 6) $47.22 set/6 6+ sets: $7.48 ea. $44.88 set/6
NEW 9745485 Pumpkin Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin.
61/2"H x 61/2"Diameter • 81/2"H x 8"Diameter $52.98 set/2. 3+ sets: $50.34 set/2
Farmers Market Pot Cover Assts. Tin. PVC liners.
NEW 3026-206 #4 41/2"H x 43/4"Opening
NEW 3026-207 #6 53/4"H x 63/4"Opening
$3.62 ea (set of 12) $43.44 set/12 4+ sets: $3.44 ea. $41.28 set/12
$4.84 ea (set of 12) $58.08 set/12 4+ sets: $4.60 ea. $55.20 set/12
NEW 9744824 Pumpkin Wall Hangings Burlap, twine, jute, raffia, and foam.
here’s to CRISP autumn DAYS
16"H x 101/4"W x 2"D $10.25 ea (set of 4) $41.00 set/4 4+ sets: $9.74 ea $38.96 set/4
9742354 Farmers Market Crate Asst. Wood and galvanized tin. Nested. 4"H x 113/4"W x 8"D
5"H x 151/2"W x 9"D 6"H x 181/2"W x 10"D $70.41 set/3. 4+ sets: $66.90 set/3
NEW 9745030 Pumpkin Asst. Fabric and foam.
10"H x 61/2"Diameter 11"H x 51/2"Diameter 14"H x 8"Diameter $65.19 set/3 4+ sets: $61.95 set/3
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
68" long
NEW 9745459 Beaded Garlands Wood and twine. 68" Long $9.99 ea (set of 4) $39.96 set/4 4+ sets: $9.49 ea. $37.96 set/4
NEW 9744564 Vases Hand-painted ceramic and twine. 93/4"H x 11/2"Opening $16.97 ea (set of 4) $67.88 set/4 4+ sets: $16.13 ea. $64.52 set/4
Bottom Tray shown individually.
NEW 9744783 Tiered Trays Hand-painted raised wood and metal. Some assembly required.
161/2"H x 12"Diameter Top Tray: 9" Diameter Bottom Tray: 12" Diameter
$27.49 ea (set of 2) $54.98 set/2 3+ sets: $26.12 ea. $52.24 set/2
Decorative Cake Pedestals Hand-painted poly-resin.
NEW 9744697 Small 53/4"H x 9"Diameter $24.99 ea (set of 4) $99.96 set/4 3+ sets: $23.74 ea $94.96 set/4
NEW 9744698 Large 61/4"H x 12"Diameter $39.99 ea (set of 2) $79.98 set/2 3+ sets: $37.99 ea $75.98 set/2
9736988 Basket Asst. (p. 121) 025693 + 025493 Pillar Candles (p. 136) 9745259 Candleholder Asst. (p. 80)
NEW 9745389 Abundant Dish Asst. Hand-painted recessed ceramic. Not intended for baking. 1-pt • 3"H x 73/4"W x 41/4"D
NEW 9745391 Gratitude Bowl Asst. Ceramic. Not intended for baking. 0.5-qt • 31/4"H x 43/4"Opening $10.49 ea (set of 4) $41.96 set/4 6+ sets: $9.97 ea. $39.88 set/4
Opening: 21/2"H x 51/2"W x 33/4"D $10.44 ea (set of 6) $62.64 set/6 3+ sets: $9.92 ea. $59.52 set/6
NEW 9745540 Autumnal Plate Assts. Hand-painted recessed ceramic. 8" Diameter $10.99 ea (set of 6) $65.94 set/6 4+ sets: $10.44 ea. $62.64 set/6
a bountiful HARVEST
9742680 Gather Platters Hand-painted recessed ceramic. 111/2" Wide $17.19 ea (set of 4) $68.76 set/4 4+ sets: $16.33 ea. $65.32 set/4
9742541 Thanks Bakeware Asst. Hand-painted recessed stoneware. Oven safe to 425ºF.
1.5-qt • 21/4"H x 91/2"W x 7"D • Opening: 13/4"H x 81/2"W x 6"D 1.75-qt • 21/2"H x 121/4"W x 81/4"D • Opening: 21/4"H x 11"W x 71/2"D $39.52 set/2. 6+ sets: $37.54 set/2
NEW 9745443 Thankful Bakeware Hand-painted recessed raised stoneware. Oven safe to 425º F. 1.75-pt • 23/4"H x 11"W x 91/4"D Opening: 21/4"H x 81/4"W x 81/4"D $25.99 ea (set of 2) $51.98 set/2 3+ sets: $24.69 ea. $49.38 set/2
9745459 Beaded Garlands (p. 71)
NEW 9745387 Grateful Plates Hand-painted raised ceramic
and raffia. 14" Wide $25.29 ea (set of 2) $50.58 set/2 4+ sets: $24.03 ea $48.06 set/2
9744698 Cake Pedestals (p. 71)
NEW 9745027 Falling Mugs Hand-painted recessed ceramic. 16 oz $6.59 ea (set of 6) $39.54 set/6 4+ sets: $6.26 ea. $37.56 set/6
9742689 Grateful Mug Asst. Hand-painted recessed ceramic. 16 oz $6.59 ea (set of 6) $39.54 set/6 4+ sets: $6.26 ea. $37.56 set/6
NEW 9745400 Turkey Plate Asst. Hand-painted raised ceramic. 43/4" Wide $3.84 ea (set of 12) $46.08 set/12 4+ sets: $3.65 ea. $43.80 set/12
NEW 9744821 Two-tone Vases/Pitchers Hand-painted craquelé raised porcelain. 54 oz • 7"H x 13/4"Opening $16.64 ea (set of 4) $66.56 set/4 3+ sets: $15.81 ea. $63.24 set/4
NEW 9744782 Pillar Candleholder Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin. Accommodates a 3" pillar candle. 6"H x 33/4"Diameter • 9"H x 33/4"Diameter $59.36 set/4. 4+ sets: $56.40 set/4
NEW 9745484 Pumpkin Asst. Hand-painted poly-resin, laser-cut wood, wood, and twine.
61/2"H x 61/2"Diameter • 81/2"H x 8"Diameter $52.98 set/2. 3+ sets: $50.34 set/2
Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759
9736443 Pumpkin Asst. Hand-painted raised porcelain and hand-painted embossed tin. 21/2"H x 31/4"Diameter 31/4"H x 23/4"W x 21/2"D • 31/4"H x 3"Diameter
$3.75 ea (set of 12) $45.00 set/12 4+ sets: $3.57 ea. $42.84 set/12
NEW 9745422 Pumpkins Hand-painted poly-resin.
51/4"H x 6"Diameter $12.42 ea (set of 4) $49.68 set/4 3+ sets: $11.80 ea $47.20 set/4
NEW 9745486 Turkey Figures Hand-painted poly-resin. 93/4"H x 61/2"W x 7"D $24.99 ea (set of 2) $49.98 set/2 4+ sets: $23.74 ea. $47.48 set/2
15" high
Turkey Figures Hand-painted poly-resin. 9733788 Small 103/4"H x 63/4"W x 7"D $23.10 ea (set of 2) $46.20 set/2 4+ sets: $21.95 ea $43.90 set/2 9742334 Large 15"H x 10"W x 11"D $55.58 ea (set of 2) $111.16 set/2 3+ sets: $52.80 ea $105.60 set/2
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