Autumn 2022

9733681 Scarecrow Pick Asst. Fabric, burlap, and straw. 18" Tall • 7"H x 3"W $1.03 ea (pack of 24) $24.72 pk/24 6+ pks: $.98 ea $23.52 pk/24

not so scary SCARECROWS

14" high

9739062 Scarecrow Pot Cover Asst. Bamboo, fabric, felt, burlap, straw, and poly-silk. PVC liners. 14"H x 13"W x 4"D • Basket: 41/2"H x 43/4"Opening

$11.63 ea (set of 4) $46.52 set/4 4+ sets: $11.05 ea. $44.20 set/4


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