Autumn 2022

21" high

9731211 Ghostly Garlands Gauze and foam. 68" Long • 21"H x 101/2"W x 21/2"D

$18.14 ea (set of 2) $36.28 set/2 6+ sets: $17.24 ea. $34.48 set/2

9742327 Ghost Picks Fabric, felt, and foam. 12" Tall • 5"H x 4"W x 11/2"D

$.93 ea (pk of 24) $22.32 pk/24 10+ pks: $.89 ea. $21.36 pk/24

NEW 9745193 #40 Ribbon Velvet. Wired edge. 21/2" Wide x 20 yd $24.18 roll. 6+ rolls: $22.97 roll

NEW 9745378 Ghostly Shelf Sitter Asst. Raised wood and twine. 7"H x 41/4"W • 71/2"H x 4"W • 9"H x 41/2"W $35.94 set/6. 6+ sets: $34.14 set/6


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