Autumn 2022


NEW 9744604 Witch’s Arm Wall Hangings Hand-painted poly-resin and lace. 31/2"H x 33/4"W x 113/4"D

$21.66 ea (set of 3) $64.98 set/3 4+ sets: $20.58 ea. $61.74 set/3

160901 Taper Candles (p. 137)


24" wide

Indoor usage suggested.

48" wide

Scan for video:

NEW 9744710 Spider Figures Faux fur fabric and plastic. Illuminates. LED. Timer and on/off switch. Requires 2–AA batteries,

9736614 Animated Hanging Spiders Fabric, faux fur fabric, and foam. Clap-activated. Illuminates. LED. Motion. On/off switch. Requires 3–AAA batteries, included. 7"H x 24"W x 5"D $14.30 ea (set of 3) $42.90 set/3 4+ sets: $13.59 ea. $40.77 set/3

not included. 10"H x 48"W x 30"D $28.59 ea (set of 3) $85.77 set/3 3+ sets: $27.16 ea. $81.48 set/3


Phone 800-241-2094 + Fax 800-880-9759

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